

Trudy Dorn is a wonderful mother to her four children

Pictured (left to right) are Christine (1964), Vera (1968) , Trudy (1929) and Wendy (1967) and Walter (1961). 


A short biography is available here.  

Here are some shots from her life:


As a nurse in Toronto in 1958.


Enjoying Jericho Beach, Vancouver, in 1989.


Celebrating her 90th birthday at the top of the Sea-to-Sky Gondola, Squamish, 2019.  


Trudy Dorn communicates in five languages (Dutch, English, French, German, and tactile sign language for the deaf-blind).

Watch for more stories to be placed on this website!


Grandma Trudy thanks her children for this website and for helping publish the books.